Monday, July 30, 2012

Parshat D'varim: 5772/2012 thoughts (updated)

This post originally published Thursday, July 26, 2012,  1:05 PM

If I think of anything new, I'll update.  In the meantime, here's a rerun.

Conservadox/Woodrow's D'varim post is certainly worth a look.

Mon., July 30, 2012 update:

Parshat D'varim, Haftarat D'varim, and Tisha B'Av combined give us a kind of Jewish History 101.  As Rabbi Jill Jacobs pointed out in her article in the New York Jewish Week (to which I can't find a link, at the moment), Moshe Rabbeinu/Moses Our Teacher was criticizing the Israelites for sins that their parents had committed--it's typical of Jewish tradition, she said, for us to think of Jewish history as having happened to all Jews of all times.  As the text of the Seder shel Pesach/Passover Seder tells us, "In every generation, it's obligatory for every [Jewish] person to see himself/herself as if he/she had left Egypt."


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